The Good Deeds of Evil Men; Love & Hate in Islam - Maulana Syed Muhammad Rizvi

31 عدد المشاهدات
نشر بتاريخ
- Eid-e-Zehra is considered a type of closure to the period of mourning for Muharram and Safar
- It is also the day when Umar ibn Saad was killed by Mukhtar's forces
- Every year, people bring up the issue of 'hatred'. How do we approach this?
- The natural and human feelings of love and hatred, and how we handle it
- How do deeds effect our view, vs a person's color, language, nationality, or physical attributes?
- What is la'nat? Is it considered a 'curse'?
- How do the concepts of Tawalla and Tabarra tie into this (forbidding evil and promoting good)
- The trend nowadays of praising evil people for their few good deeds, and the danger this poses
- Some people praise Banu Umayyah and Banu Abbas, and their promotion of science in society, for example, while forgetting the contributions of the Imams
- Discussing the example of Shaitan, and how he worshipped Allah for 6000 years, however one act of defiance against Allah's command wiped it all away

Eid-e-Zehra 1443
Date: October 15th, 2021

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