Sexual Assault in Today's World; Society's Apathy Towards the Innocent - Maulana Syed Muhammad Rizvi

54 عدد المشاهدات
نشر بتاريخ
- Islam does not shy away from discussing controversial issues, no matter what era it may be
- This includes gender interactions, and behavioural guidelines for men and women alike, whether it comes to conduct, conversation, clothing, glances, etc
- We have seen time and time again that Shaytan seizes all opportunities to misguide people. Whether its in the sports world, politics, education, media, or religion, there are always incidents of sexual misconduct or assault
- Islam does not deny human nature, rather it gives us guidelines to control and direct this nature, without negative repurcussions
- Examples from the Qur'an and hadith related to this topic
- The worrying trend of apathy when it comes to witnessing or aiding victims in these situations
- Recent examples of open and public assaults that took place, where not only did people not help, they even recorded the incident on their phones
- Tying this to the Islamic values of forbidding evil and promoting good, and our duties as individuals and a collective community

Friday Juma Khutba
Date: October 29th, 2021

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